The society FAPRODENT manufactures and exports products for dental prosthesis laboratories. the product range includes: dental plasters, artificial teeth, resins, waxes and dental coatings.
FAPRODENT is certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003.
All products made by FAPRODENT are CE certified in accordance with the European directive for medical devices MDD 93/42/EEC.

Three-layers teeth
Made with high molecular density polymers,
the teeths Alpha-Lux are suitable for total and
partial prosthesis.
The large choice of shapes and shades as well as the quality
of teeth Alpha-Lux meet the requirements of the
standards ISO 22112 : 2005.
• High hardness
• Excellent resistance to abrasion
• Color stability
• Natural shapes
Available in 16 shades of A1 to D4
Available packaging:
Box of 18 sets of 6 anterior teeth
Box of 12 sets of 8 posterior teeth
Box of 5 sets of 28 teeths
Two-layer teeth
Made with high molecular density polymers,
the teeths Alphadent are suitable for total and
partial prosthesis.
The large choice of shapes and shades as well as the quality
of teeth Alphadent meet the requirements of the
standards ISO 22112 : 2005.
• High hardness
• Excellent resistance to abrasion
• Color stability
• Natural shapes
Available in 4 shades from A1- A2- A3- A3.5
Available packaging:
Box of 5 sets of 28 teeths
Three-layers teeth
Made with high molecular density polymers,
the teeths Triostar are suitable for total and
partial prosthesis.
The large choice of shapes and shades as well as the quality
of teeth Triostar meet the requirements of the
standards ISO 22112 : 2005.
• High hardness
• Excellent resistance to abrasion
• Color stability
• Natural shapes
Two-layer teeth
Made with high molecular density polymers,
the teeths Unident are suitable for total and
partial prosthesis.
The large choice of shapes and colors as well as the quality of
teeths Unident meet the requirements of the standards
ISO 22112 : 2005.
• High hardness
• Excellent resistance to abrasion
• Color stability
• Natural shapes
Available in 16 shades from A1 to D4
Available packaging:
Box of 18 sets of 6 anterior teeth
Box 12 sets of 8 posterior teeth
Box 5 sets of 28 teeths